The fight is over. The blood has been scrubbed from the floor. The sumos deflated.
Rolling out of bed this morning was a struggle for many. Half because of the bruises, half because of the drudgery they knew they must face once again. They returned to the ads that have ruled their lives. Those worthless scraps of paper that convince people to buy crap they don’t need.
But as they looked in the mirror and faced the brutality of the night before – the bruises, that cut above their eye – they suddenly felt for the first time that they truly exist. Because how much can you truly know about yourself until you’ve been in a fight?
That was Fight Crub.
Thank you all for your animal cheers and tribal chants. Thank you to all those who took the challenge and stepped into the ring. Thank you once more to Getty Images, ADMA and Sagano Restaurant. Show them your appreciation when you can.
But I shall not thank the microphone for dying so early and leaving me gravel-voiced with an aching head that no man should ever endure unless induced by alcohol.
Congratulations to Hartas&Craig’s Wildcards for taking the Fight Crub Yokozuna title and to M&C Saatchi/Mark for a valiant fight that earned them the title of Fight Crub Ozeki. And well done to both BMF and our own Wunderman for making it to the semi-finals.
More photos of the evening can be found at:
Remember, the fight will never be over.
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